This week I decided to have a go at a high rise/apartment block, seeing as I hadn't done a particulary tall building before. It didn't really have a point of inspiration for the most part. Though the central staircase was taken from somewhere, in fact it came from favourite tv show of mine. The staircase in The Big Bang Theory.

Mine takes the same shape, a central lift with staircase wrapping around it. Though mine differs in that the outer walls are glass.

The main layout was an apartment on either side of the central stair and then another behind.

The ones on either side are simple single floor apartments. With three main spaces.

The first space after entering is a kitchen.

Continuing along the corridor opens into a living space.

The final space is a bedroom and bathroom, joined to each other and seperated from the other spaces by a corridor.

The layout from one side is mirrored for the apartment on the other side.

The apartment behind the staircase is a two floor apartment. With the first floor being an open planned living space, the only break being an island dividing off the kitchen. The rest of the space would be broken by furniture to have a dining space and a living room. There's also a small bathroom in the space left at the end of the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor continues the same layout, the mirrored single floor apartments either side of the central staircase. The space behind the central stair makes up the second floor of the two floor apartment.

The second floor of the two floor apartment is split into three spaces. the first you come to is a bedroom, which is followed by a large bathroom.

At the end of the corridor is the master bedroom.

This layout is repeated over four floors. Giving eight single floor apartments and two two floor apartments.
There is then a penthouse. With all glass walls to fully take advantage of its elevated position. The stairs don't go up to the penthouse, only the lift gives access.

To one side of the lift is a large guest room and then an even large master bedroom, with its own balcony.

The other side has a bathroom and then a large open living space, with a kitchen divided off by an island along one side.

The outside of the building is obviously clad mostly in wood, as we've established that seems to be my style of working. The bootom floor is white render though to give a contrast and add a feature to the aesthetics.

The penthouse has a large covered blacony in the centre.

And there is also a smaller second balcony off the master bedroom of the penthouse.