There's no excuse for this one taking two weeks really. I just got a bit distracted by a couple other things is all.
This is another build straight out of my imagination. I had this idea for a wood cabin/lodge type thing kicking around in my head so I thought i'd turn it into a real thing.
First that meant getting the idea down on paper. I probably spent longer on this than really necessary, it could have just been an outline sketch really. When I get drawing though I can just go on and on, so I ended up with a complete colour rendered drawing.

I didn't have much of an idea on the interior spaces for this build. The ground floor is fairly basic, one big open space. It has a staircase down to the garage along with a secondary staircase going down to the other side of the building, giving access to outside. Theres then a corner staircase up to the first floor.

Coming in from the front of the building, through the glass wall, brings you into the main part of the ground floor space, the main living space. On one side of this space is a stairway down to what is essentially the backdoor, or I suppose side door. On the other side as the main feature of the space, a large open fireplace.

The columns supporting the first floor act as a natural divide for the ground floor space. Creating a small space at the back, between the two staircases, this would be the kitchen space.

The garage is a self-contained space off to the side connected by a small staircase from the main building.

The first floor like the ground floor a big open space. The main difference is the first floor goes into the roof space giving it that pitched, triangular, profile. Further light is brought into the first floor by a light box coming off the staircase which brings in more light to the side of the space.

My thinking is the front end would be a bedroom with the glass wall section bringing in lots of light and giving nice views out. The area straight up from the staircase would be a small landing then open into a study come office space. I would have tried to show the split in the space but I had run out of low walls and due to the pitched roof the wall pieces wouldn't fit.

The space that goes across over the garage would be a bathroom. Light from the garage is brought into the space by having part of the wall in glass.

The exterior of the building is of course timber clad, as it's a cabin/lodge. I tried to add some more interest to this by doing a couple of features in a different wood, to add a contrast. It also sits on a stone base and the chimney is also stone. To bring in further contrast to the main cladding I put the light box in some green panelling.

I also made a simple idea for the garden space. Its quite a simple outdoor space with a multi tiered deck and pool. One end of the pool is also highlighted with stone to tie in with the stone of the building.

I had to employ a few tricks quite early on in this build. I wanted the ground floor of the main building to start slightly elevated. Something that can be easily done with Arckit, thanks to the low wall parts. The problem I faced though was only having a limited number of those parts. Due to how the first floor was designed, with being only a low wall and then going into roof it meant the total wall was two high, as the two low walls added up to one. That meant that most of the walls could be done with standard wall parts. Freeing up the low wall parts to be used at the front to get the glass walls in the right place, as they needed to be elevated slightly.
Now this setup actually created a secondary problem. With the floor being elevated it would cut through the middle of the wall pieces, which is something it obviously couldn't do. Thankfully this was an easy fix. Buy adding another line of floor tiles I could move the walls out slightly thus allowing the floor to go in undisturbed. Obviously if I Had enough low wall parts the whole thing would be low walls all the way round and then the floor would set on them but I don't so I had to do it another way. I think it turned ok. The floor isn't to wobbly, its wholly supported at the front end so that makes it rather solid and just by putting some supports at the other end it holds up quite nicely. Also obviously to get the first floor I had to follow the same thing, this was a bit more wobbly but after adding a couple columns it firmed up and the columns actually added quite a nice feature. The pushed out walls did also cause a bit of a problem when I went to do the roof but I managed to get round that with a bit of fiddling.
All in all I'm very pleased with how this model turned out. As much as I love the Thunderbirds model and also the Apple store model this one I think beats them. I think this is my favourite model to date.
Now it's the end of the post, so that means it's the build video. Ok before any questions yes that is Thunderbirds are go! on in the background at one point. Thunderbirds is a great show, its fine for a 20 year old to be watch kids tv when its thunderbirds right... They do have some really amazing models in it, Weta really do do fantastic work. Would love to be able to go look round Weta workshop, would be awesome.
This is also a slightly longer build video, not as long as the minecraft model though. Its still just the one song too, I managed to extend part of song to get it to cover the length.